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According to the ADB, the regional transaction technical assistance facility will provide support to a series of ensuing and ongoing projects of the developing member countries of the Asian Development Bank in South Asia.
It aims to enhance the integration of gender equality and social inclusion (GESI) in the design of ensuing projects and the GESI results of ongoing projects. To strengthen the capacity of the executing and implementing agencies in mainstreaming GESI in these projects, this TA facility also includes two forms of knowledge and network development support that are not integrated in the design of the ongoing and ensuing projects: capacity and network development to mainstream GESI in the transition of the energy sector from fossil fuel to carbon-neutral economy and replicating the networking approach in urban development infrastructure sectors. The second form encompasses broader knowledge development support through training, studies, and knowledge product development.
ADB Team Leader:
Francesco Tornieri - Principal Social Development Specialist, SARD
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