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According to the Bank’s website, the ADB aims to encourage member countries to shift to a low greenhouse gas emission development path in line with their nationally determined contributions under the Paris Agreement. The project consists of opportunities to Accelerate Coal to Clean Power Transition in Kazakhstan.
In general, ADB's ETM is seeking to set up a commercial funding vehicle for supporting the accelerated retirement of coal plants while also supporting the simultaneous scale up of renewable energy. The TA will conduct a pre-feasibility study (Pre-FS) aiming to identify opportunities and possible transition mechanisms in Kazakhstan to accelerate the retirement of coal-fired power plants (CFPPs) and combined heat-power plants (CHPPs) and replace them with cleaner energy sources.
The ETM Pre-FS will:
(i) assess Kazakhstan's policy and regulatory environment under which CFPPs and CHPPs are operating in order to understand the feasibility of acquiring, retiring, and replacing CFPPs and CHPPs suitable for GOK's consideration under one of the potential ETM modalities;
(ii) develop of a multi-criteria analysis (MCA) framework that will be used to carry out a high-level screening of Kazakhstan's entire fleet of CFPPs and CHPPs based on financial, contractual, institutional, regulatory, geographical location and market-related aspects for the purpose of identifying and ranking them from high-prospect to low-prospect assets in terms of their potential for accelerated retirement under a suitable ETM modality;
(iii) provide a detailed financial analysis of the top-five (5) representative CFPPs and CHPPs;
(iv) define the terms of reference (TORs) for a full feasibility study with a larger scope and timeframe, which would later design the structure of a pilot ETM aiming to replace coal and/or other high-carbon power generation with cleaner technologies;
(v) define a potential ETM opportunities to accelerate the transition from coal-fired and other high-carbon power generation to clean power generation in Kazakhstan;
(vi) conduct an analysis on the suitable ETM models within the prevailing legal and regulatory framework of Kazakhstan's energy sector.
Responsible ADB Officer: Zharkinbayev, Serik Sabitovich
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