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According to the Bank’s website, the project will be aligned with the following impacts: (i) modern public health service system ensuring well-being of all Thais in an effective, fair, sufficient, and sustainable manner developed; and (ii) UHC, including access to essential health care services, sustained. The outcome is: access to quality public hospital services by all in selected provinces improved.
Output 1: Health services for five health regions expanded. Under this output, estimated at $290 million, the project will finance the construction and equipping of UHC-facilitating, socially inclusive, and climate-smart MECs at five public hospitals to expand cancer, cardiac, surgical, and trauma care; and other hospital services that will benefit at least 14 million people in health regions 1, 3, 5, 6, and 9. Output 1 will have strong gender elements by ensuring that the design and construction of the MECs consider the health seeking behavior of women, children, people with disabilities, and other vulnerable populations. Output 1 will also support cross-border and regional cooperation of activities by helping to ensure services are made available for migrant populations. Output 1 will also finance measures to enhance climate change mitigation in the five MECs.
Output 2: Expertise of medical, nursing, and other hospital staff in five public hospitals improved. Under this output, estimated to cost $8 million, the project will finance (i) the training of doctors, nurses, and other health staff on the cardiac, cancer, and other new services, including day surgery, to be provided by the five hospitals (para. 12); (ii) the training of medical students of affiliated medical schools who are being trained in the five hospitals under the CPIRD, for subsequent deployment by the MOPH in designated rural health facilities; and (iii) training on determining and promoting climate change adaptation and mitigation measures, management, and supervision expertise, digital skills, equipment maintenance, coordination of care and care integration, and other needed expertise. Output 2 will also have strong gender elements, which will ensure expanded access by female staff in the training and capacity building programs at the five hospitals. It will support building up management expertise of female health staff, and the eventual deployment of additional female managers in different units of the hospitals. Training on reducing sexual harassment and violence in the workplace will also be supported.
Output 3: Climate change mitigation measures in public hospitals enhanced. Under this output, estimated to cost $2 million, the project will finance studies which will assess the status of climate change mitigation measures in public hospitals (other than the five hospitals supported under outputs 1 and 2) and prepare a strategy and implementation plan for promoting and incorporating climate change mitigation measures in these hospitals.
Civil works will be undertaken within existing campuses of the five hospitals. Anticipated adverse environmental impacts and risks are limited to the hospital expansion works. These impacts and risks (primarily related to construction waste management, noise and dust, temporary traffic disturbance, and community and occupational health and safety) are anticipated to be highly site-specific, reversible, and of medium significance. These can be addressed through sound construction practices and implementation of standard environment, health and safety protection measures. No significant incremental impacts and risks are anticipated during operation of these facilities. All hospitals will put in place the required infection prevention and control systems as per Thai regulatory framework and will be subject to accreditation by the Thai Healthcare Accreditation Institute (HAI). Proposed medical waste management systems will be reviewed and strengthened, as needed. An IEE including EMP will be prepared.
Ordinary capital resources: US$ 255.00 million
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