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According to the Bank’s website, the project consists of an investment of EUR5 million in the inaugural debt capital market issuance of Pozavarovalnica Sava, d.d. ("Sava Re"), a re-insurance company in Slovenia, in the form of EUR-denominated subordinated bonds with an aggregate issuance amount of EUR50 million. The Bonds will be Solvency II compliant, eligible as Tier III capital.
The Project supports the Issuer with its (i) inaugural debt capital market issuance as the first-ever Tier III subordinated bond issuance by an insurer in Slovenia and (ii) further expansion in the region, fostering market consolidation and competition.
Investment of €5 million in the inaugural debt capital market issuance with an aggregate issuance amount of €50 million.
Pozavarovalnica Sava, d.d. is the publicly listed, parent holding company of the Sava Insurance Group and conducts reinsurance business. With over 40 years of experience in international reinsurance, Sava provides a full range of reinsurance coverages with more than 350 clients in over 100 reinsurance markets worldwide. Sava Insurance Group is one of the largest insurance groups based in the SEE region, active in the re-insurance, life, non-life, pension and asset management businesses.
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