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According to the Bank’s website, the project consists of the provision of a senior secured loan of up to EUR 10 million to Hipotekarna Banka AD Podgorica (HB) in two equal tranches for on-lending to eligible private individuals for housing purposes. The facility will contribute to the development of the local financial sector, mainly its mortgage lending segment, and to the improvement of housing conditions of private individuals. The transaction is proposed under the Financial Collateral Backed Senior Lending Product line (CBL), secured by EU supranational bonds.
The proceeds of the loan will be used by HB to provide long-term financing for residential mortgage lending in Montenegro in accorance with the List of Minimum Standards for Residential Mortgage Lending (LMS).
Categorised FI (ESP 2019).
A senior secured loan of up to € 10 million.
Hipotekarna Banka AD Podgorica is the 3rd largest bank in Montenegro in terms of assets and deposits with market share of 14 per cent and 4th by net loans with 7 per cent market share at end-2023. It is a universal bank with a countrywide network of 22 branches. It is owned by a group of Italian (44.92 per cent) and Montenegrin (7.53 per cent) individuals, and through the Italian company Cerere Spa (21.2 per cent, the single largest shareholder), and other legal entities. HB is a listed bank on the Montenegro Stock Exchange.
Gojko Maksimovic
+382 (0) 77 700 199
81000 Podgorica, Josipa Broza Tita 67 Montenegro
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