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According to the Bank’s website, the project consists of a sovereign loan of up to EUR 1.58 million to the Kyrgyz Republic. The loan will have a 15-year maturity, including a three-year grace period. The loan is to be co-financed by a EUR 0.92 million investment grant from an international donor or the EBRD Shareholder Special Fund.
The proposed project will finance investments in construction of new wastewater treatment plant and extension of sewage network system, including construction of two wastewater pumping stations in the city of Naryn as well as procurement of essential machinery and equipment and special vehicles.
The Project has been categorized B under the 2014 Environmental and Social Policy.
A sovereign loan of up to € 1.58 million to the Kyrgyz Republic. The loan will have a 15-year maturity, including a three-year grace period. The loan is to be co-financed by a € 0.92 million investment grant from an international donor or the SSF.
Total Project Cost: € 2.5 million
The borrower will be the Kyrgyz Republic, represented by the Ministry of Finance. The loan will be on-lent or on-granted to Joint Municipal Enterprise "Naryn Water Company".
Aibek Orozobaev
+996 352250823
Bldg. 8, I. Torobayeva Street, Naryn, 722900, Kyrgyz Republic
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