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According to ADB documents, the knowledge and support technical assistance (TA) will support the knowledge-driven operational approach of the country partnership strategy for India, 2018- 2022 of the Asian Development Bank (ADB), by providing knowledge support for strengthening Regional Plan and Functional Plan preparation in the National Capital Region (NCR) and institutional capacity building of National Capital Region Planning Board (NCRPB). While, strategy pillar 2 supports the acceleration of regionally balanced and inclusive growth by focusing on market-to-hinterland links and providing inclusive services to cities and hinterlands, the strategy pillar 3 promotes addressing worsening environmental degradation, natural resource depletion, and adverse climate change impacts; with a cross-cutting theme of gender equality and social inclusion (GESI).
The TA is closely aligned with the following five operational priorities of ADB's Strategy 2030: addressing remaining poverty and reducing inequalities; accelerating progress in gender equality; tackling climate change, building climate and disaster resilience, and enhancing environmental sustainability; making cities more livable; and strengthening governance and institutional capacity. The TA will be included in the forthcoming country operations business plan 2022 2024 of India Resident Mission, and is proposed subject to the approval of the TA concept paper by the Vice President.
The NCR will be the most populous capital region in the World by 2030-31. This presents a unique opportunity for planning and informed investments to make a _Future Ready_ NCR; and plan for appropriate amenities and infrastructure in its urban centers, peri-urban and hinterland areas for ease of living, and for supporting transformation and inclusive economic growth. NCR faces threats from water security, drought, land degradation, high carbon footprint, loss of vegetation and biodiversity and severe air and water pollution on account of man-made and natural factors. NCR faces significant development challenges in terms of Urbanization, Transport, Water and Waste Management, Logistics, Economic Corridors, Future Ready Citizen Infrastructure (Housing, Education, Health, Safety, Disaster Management and Sports), and Mainstreaming Gender and Climate Change impacts. Capacity building framework, addressing both technical and policy aspects, for institutional strengthening is also critical.
NCRPB is in the process of preparing the Regional Plan for the prospect year of 2041 (Draft RP-2041). It also intends to undertake preparation of Functional Plans for related elements/ sectors of the Regional Plan, considering citizen-centric aspects.
The TA is estimated to cost $825,000, of which $775,000 will be financed on a grant basis by ADB’s Technical Assistance Special Fund (TASF-other sources).
Responsible ADB Officer | Srivastava, Ashok |
Responsible ADB Department | South Asia Department |
Responsible ADB Division | India Resident Mission |
Executing Agencies | Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs Nirman Bhawan, Maulana Azad Road New Delhi 110 011 India |
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