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According to the Bank’s website, Maharashtra is increasingly experiencing climate-related events. Its coastline is characterized by stable rocky cliffs and unstable sandy beaches, estuarine areas, and mangrove forests. The state's narrow coastal plain, which is situated between the Arabian Sea and the Western Ghats, also supports other economic activities such as marine transportation, fishing, agriculture, cultural and recreational tourism. In Maharashtra, coastal erosion is resulting in loss of land for communities affecting livelihoods, and flooding inundation is impacting vulnerable coastal communities, by damaging public and private infrastructure and risking lives particularly among women. The primary natural factors responsible for coastal erosion are (i) change in wave extremes due to increase in frequency and magnitude of extreme events, (ii) changes in river hydrology and sand supply near the estuarine areas, and (iii) disruption in natural littoral sediment transport. In recent years, climate change effects such as sea-level rise, altered frequency, intensity, and track of tropical cyclones have exacerbated the erosion. Human activities and infrastructures along the shoreline, such as wharfs and groynes, harbor jetties and beach mining hinder sediment transport in the littoral zone. Target beneficiaries will be the coastal communities living within the coastal zone.
Maharashtra state is seeking financing from the ADB for a standalone project of coastal protection at several sites as the main component. The Maharashtra Maritime Board (MMB) is the Executing Agency (EA) and Implementing Agency (IA) for the project. There are two key outputs from the project:
Output 1: Climate-resilient coastal protection measures implemented.
Output 2: Capacity for sustainable, climate-resilient and integrated shoreline protection enhanced.
Proposed civil works and soft interventions (rejuvenation, planting work) will be conducted on government land including offshore, along shoreline, riverbed, backshore, and dunes. The EA social due diligence confirms no private land acquisition is required, and no resettlement impacts are anticipated.
There are no indigenous people or ethnic minority groups in the sub-project areas; the project anticipates no impacts.
Ordinary capital resources: US$ 42.00 million
Executing Agency (EA): Maharashtra Maritime Board
Contact Person: Sudhir Hankare / Deputy Director Technical
Address: Maharashtra Maritime Board, 2nd Floor, Indian Mercantile Chambers, Ramjibhai Kamani Marg,
Ballard Estate, Mumbai 400 001
Telephone: +919619582611
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