Original disclosure @ ADB website
Updated in EWS Jan 7, 2023
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According to ADB, the proposed project aims to improve infrastructure in the industrial estates in Tripura and strengthen institutional and financial capacities of DOIC and TIDCL. It will be financed through a regular loan from ADB’s ordinary capital resources with an indicative amount of $46.5 million, expected to be approved in 2023. The loan amount will be confirmed based on the (i) detailed engineering design of the selected subprojects, (ii) absorptive capacity of the executing agency and the contracting industry, and (iii) availability of counterpart funding from the GOT.
Tripura's vision is that manufacturing sector employment will be increased from 1.79% (Census of India, 2011) to 4.5% in 2030. The state has established rubber, food and bamboo parks to support existing and potential investors. It is felt that industrial cluster development has the potential to promote manufacturing growth and accordingly, Tripura Industrial Development Corporation Limited (TIDCL) has planned development of 15 industrial estates with the objective of industrial promotion, entrepreneurship development, and overall employment generation. ADB's Northeast Economic Corridor (NEEC) study report also recommended interventions for improved industrial development in Tripura through integrated approach of planning and design, and identified needs for integration of industrial infrastructure development with logistic parks, transportation and trade facilitation at various locations in Tripura.
The Government of Tripura (GOT), through its Department of Industries & Commerce (DoI&C;) as the nodal agency, has applied for financial assistance through the Department of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance, Government of India under the project readiness financing (PRF) facility from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) in the form of a _loan_ for improving readiness of Infrastructure Development in Industrial Estates in Tripura.
The PRF will ensure high readiness of the ensuing program/ project by delivering the following outputs, through mobilization of consulting services under the supervision of and coordination with the GOT, DoI&C;, TIDCL, and ADB.
Output 1: Sector strategy and investment plans prepared. Output 1 will help (i) strengthen the industrial planning/ preparing industrial strategy and promotion requirements; (ii) prepare investment plans and action plans; and (iii) prioritize key subproject and infrastructure components.
Output 2: Feasibility study, detailed engineering designs, and due diligence of priority subprojects completed. Output 2 will focus on (i) feasibility studies and preparation of detailed engineering designs; (ii) social and environmental due diligence; (iii) economic and financial analyses; gender equality and social inclusion; (iv) climate and disaster resilience; and (v) procurement risk/ capacity assessment, strategic procurement planning, contract modalities, procurement plan, contract management plan(s); bid documents, tendering and bid processing.
Output 3: Institutional capacity development strengthened. This will include capacity building of DoI&C; and TIDCL on financial, technical, safeguards, gender equality and social inclusion (GESI), procurement aspects, supporting in sector analysis, and developing the institutional strengthening and capacity development component. It will (i) review institutional capacities and current operation and maintenance practices; (ii) outline reform actions and scope to arrive at industrial development planning and processing framework/ mechanism under the ensuing loan, (iii) outline scope of institutional strengthening component of the ensuing project for sustainability of assets; and (iv) support planning, design, implementation, and management of PRF outputs, and ensuing project.
Since the proposed activities consist of consulting services only, activities have not been categorized in accordance with ADB’s Safeguard Policy Statement (2009). The scope of the ensuing project will likely be in and around 15 industrial estates in six districts of Tripura. The detailed design will be prepared with consideration given to (i) minimizing the interface with any national parks, wildlife sanctuaries, or any other environmentally sensitive areas; (ii) minimizing the impact on resettlement and land acquisition; and (iii) avoiding adverse impacts on indigenous peoples, if any. Tripura is home to 1.17 million scheduled tribe people who account for 31.8% of the total population.15 The ensuing project will not cause any adverse impact on the scheduled tribe population as the industrial estates are not located in scheduled tribe areas.
Responsible ADB Officer | Chattopadhyay, Soumya |
Responsible ADB Department | South Asia Department |
Responsible ADB Division | India Resident Mission |
Executing Agencies | Department of Industries & Commerce, Government of Tripura |
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