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The proposed program aims to support the Government of Pakistan's efforts to improve the enabling environment for infrastructure financing and public-private partnerships (PPP) at the federal level. In doing so, the government hopes to attract private finance for infrastructure investments in priority sectors such as roads, housing, health, education, water and sanitation, aviation and technologyall high priorities in the government's 3-year Public Sector Development Programme Plus (PSDP+). The program is also aligned with the pillars of Pakistan Vision 2025, which provides the foundation to fast-track Pakistan's transformation into one of the top 10 economies in the world by 2047, its first centenary. The Vision document states that 'publicprivate partnerships will be promoted through a comprehensive policy regime. The enhanced private sector participation would be used for better infrastructure development and improving connectivity to facilitate private sector growth . The program builds on ongoing Asian Development Bank (ADB) technical assistance (TA), as well as extensive experience in PPP development at the provincial level to support the government's efforts to improve the policy, legal and institutional framework for PPPs at the federal level. The program contains actions and initiatives in support of the following reforms: (i) strengthening the legal, regulatory, and institutional environment; (ii) strengthening national and sectoral infrastructure planning and project preparation; and (iii) strengthening multiyear assessment of fiscal risks. The proposed program is aligned to the priorities of ADB's Strategy 2030, particularly the strengthening governance and institutional capacity operational priority, as well as the country partnership strategy for Pakistan, 20212025.
The program was requested by the Government of Pakistan as a policy-based lending modality to be disbursed over two subprograms. The PBL will facilitate the design and implementation of reforms that are necessary to create an enabling environment for PPPs. The programmatic approach will serve to chronologically sequence the reforms in a multiyear framework (2022-2024) and bring flexibility to incorporate changes as warranted by the country's economic situation.
Safeguard Categories
Environment C
Involuntary Resettlement C
Indigenous Peoples C
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