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According to the bank's website, "the regional transaction technical assistance (TA) facility will support clean energy projects for (i) project feasibility and due diligence, (ii) capacity development and implementation support, and (iii) cross-departmental green energy project pipeline development. For (i), the facility will conduct project preparation activities for the Grid Reinforcement Project with Additional Financing (Cambodia), Climate Change Policy Program (Philippines), and Power Grid Strengthening Project (Timor-Leste). For (ii), project implementation support will be provided for Sustainable and Reliable Energy Access Program (Indonesia) and Sustainable Energy Transition DAMRI E-bus Project (Indonesia). For (iii), the TA facility will develop a pipeline of green energy projects for investment under the One-ADB framework, involving collaboration among the Energy Division (SEEN) and the Regional Cooperation and Operations Coordination Division of the Southeast Asia Department, Office of Public-Private Partnership (OPPP), and Private Sector Operations Department (PSOD)".
Lee, Hyunjung (ADB Officer)
Southeast Asia Department
Energy Division, SERD
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