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According to the Bank’s website, the project consists of a senior loan of up to EUR 25 million, consisting of EUR 15 million committed ("Tranche 1") and EUR 10 million uncommitted financing ("Tranche 2"), to provide emergency support to the City of Kharkiv via liquidity financing to its municipal utilities/operators, to mitigate the effect of the ongoing war on the City's financial position, and to ensure uninterrupted provision of essential municipal services to the City's residents, internally displaced persons ("IDPs") and enterprises.
The recipients of liquidity support from the City are planned to be the four municipal operators:
i) the Communal Enterprise "Kharkivsky metropoliten", an existing client of the Bank;
ii) the Communal Enterprise "Trolleybus depot no. 2", an existing client of the Bank;
iii) the Communal Enterprise "Saltiv tram depot"; and
iv) the Communal Enterprise "Kharkiv heat networks" (together the "Recipients").
The Bank's loan is expected to support the key municipal utilities and public transport operators in 2024-2025 by addressing their critical liquidity needs, to ensure uninterrupted provision of essential public services in response to direct damage from the war, additional demand for services due to the presence of a significant number of IDPs and the City's shrinking liquidity.
In the absence of the Bank's support, given the on-going war and its effects on the local economy and ongoing forced displacement and labour market volatility, there is a high risk of disruption to infrastructure services provision, compromising infrastructure service delivery, which is needed both for Kharkiv's economic recovery and the City's private sector.
Categorised B (2019 ESP). The provision of short-term working capital to support liquidity of the City, to compensate for temporary revenue losses and additional expenses due to the ongoing war, and also support with operating and maintenance costs to the existing clients, is not associated with any new environmental or social (E&S) risks or impacts.
A senior loan of up to EUR 25 million, consisting of EUR 15 million committed ("Tranche 1") and EUR 10 million uncommitted financing ("Tranche 2").
Total Project Cost: EUR 35,000,000.00
(EUR 25 million senior loan co-financed by an investment grant of EUR 10 million from the EBRD Crisis Response Special Fund benefiting from the US government contribution).
Recipients: The Communal Enterprise "Kharkivsky metropoliten"(an existing client of the Bank); The Communal Enterprise "Trolleybus depot no. 2" (also an existing client of the Bank); The Communal Enterprise "Saltiv tram depot" and; The Communal Enterprise "Kharkiv heat networks".
Kharkiv is the second largest city in Ukraine (and is the centre of a metropolitan area comprising many satellite towns) located in the north-eastern part of Ukraine, accounting for ca. 3 per cent of national population (at the pre-war estimates). The City hosts a significant internally displaced population, with 140 thousand people officially registered as of the end of April 2024. Amongst the regional centres in Ukraine, Kharkiv is the largest by population, the second largest by territory and the largest education and scientific centre.
Olga Demianenko
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