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This project is financed and supported by ADB and AIIB to urgently increase Uzbekistan's resilience to COVID-19 pandemics and other epidemics.
Under this project, Ministry of Health of uzbekistan is going to do the testing, surveillance, equipping and refurbishing the national laboratory system, establishing an IT-based national surveillance and monitoring system, and improving and expanding the COVID-19 treatment capacity. Activities will be coordinated with, and complementary to, assistance of the World Bank, the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), and fill remaining gaps in medical equipment and supplies.
Outcome & Output
The project will have the following outcome: resilience to outbreaks of COVID-19 and other epidemics reinforced.
The project will have three outputs:
Output 1 - national laboratory system strengthened;
Output 2 - national surveillance and response system established for COVID-19 and other epidemics;
Output 3 - COVID-19 treatment capacity expanded.
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Ministry of Health
12 Navoi Street
Tashkent, Uzbekistan