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Under this project, ADB provides "50 million USD (15 million USD grant and 35 million USD loan) to Kyrgyz government for Electrification of Urban Transport. The Kyrgyz national government and Bishkek municipality have identified the improvement of air quality as one of their top policy priorities. Due to the country's rich hydropower resources, which account for more than 91% of Kyrgyz national electricity production, the government understands that besides air quality improvement, a long-term electrification of the transport sector would hold a multitude of positive co-benefits. These include:
(i) a decrease in air pollution-related health costs,
(ii) significant savings of foreign exchange,
(iii) increased energy independence,
(iv) improved life quality in Bishkek,
(v) a reduced local and national GHG footprint of the transport sector.
Project objectives
This project represents a first step towards a long-term electrification of the Kyrgyz transport sector. The project will increase the share of low emission, energy-efficient, large-buses in Bishkek's public transport sector by replacing outdated conventional and trolleybuses with electric buses. Considering the high renewable energy share in Kyrgyz power sector the project will take advantage of the low levels of air pollutants (pm2.5, SOx, NOx) and GHG emissions at generation level, to initiate a long-term transition towards an environmentally and economically sustainable transport sector in Bishkek.
Based on a detailed technical assessment the project will consist of the following four interlinked outputs:
Output 1: Zero-emission tailpipe bus fleet in Bishkek municipality upgraded;
Output 2: Bus depot infrastructure upgraded;
Output 3: Electric bus pilot corridor in Bishkek established;
Output 4: Bishkek bus operation sustainability improved."
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Ministry of Economy
106, Chui Prospect, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic