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According to the bank document, the project aims to demonstrate rural vitalization and environmental improvement in Pingjiang County. The project will be aligned with the following impact: rural vitalization in the YREB realized. The outputs listed below will result in the following outcome: rural living environment in Pingjiang County improved.
Output 1: Water-related disaster risk management in Pingjiang County improved.
Output 2: Rural waste and sanitation management in Pingjiang County improved.
Output 3: Integrated water resources management planning and decision support capacity enhanced.
Output 4: Green procurement and ecological farming practices piloted.
IThe project design will incorporate lessons from international best practices and build on previous ADB-financed projects supporting rural vitalization, such as importance of
(i) climate-smart agricultural and ecological farming practices;
(ii) decentralized sanitation systems for rural villages;
(iii) nature-based solutions to address flooding and other risks from natural hazards;
(iv) development, participation, and empowerment of rural communities and rural enterprises;
(v) effective institutional coordination and governance arrangements, including the river chief system;
(vi) sustainable operation and maintenance; and
(vii) monitoring and evaluation systems.
KfW Bankengruppe US$ 70.93 million
Executing Agencies
Pingjiang County Government
Room 412, Finance Bureau, East Xingwang
Road, Pingjiang County, Hunan Province
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