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According to the bank document, the knowledge and support technical assistance (TA) will support governments of Asian Development Bank's (ADB) developing member countries (DMCs) to promote evidence-based policy design on small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) development through:
(i) provision of a country and regional index prepared by using a multivariate analytical approach which will be accessed by the DMCs: and
(ii) provision of a comparative country data platform which will cover financial and nonfinancial aspects of SME development in DMCs and will be updated periodically.
The proposed TA will also help ADB operations formulate new ideas for SME projects with the use of innovative approaches through pilot project proposals that will be discussed in an ADB planned annual issuance called the Asia Small and Medium Enterprise Monitor (ASM).
Technical Assistance (ADB) Proposed US$ 0.6 million
In term of procurement, Shopping for Goods is US$9,000 (nine thousand US dollar) Shopping for goods includes survey software and social database subscriptions. Details to be provided during TA implementation.
Responsible ADB Department Economic Research and Regional Cooperation Department
Responsible ADB Division Office of the Chief Economist, ERD
Responsible ADB Officer Shinozaki, Shigehiro
*There is no further information being disclosed at this stage of the project*
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