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According to the ADB's website, this project provides technical assistance to support the preparation of technical guidelines and the establishment of livestock management and animal health information systems at the local level.
Details from the website state this project will support the government of Mongolia by:
"(i) Establishing a pilot livestock management information system (LMIS) in the project aimags and soums and organizing workshops and meetings at the national- and aimag-levels to inform systems development and roll out use of the LMIS.
(ii) Establishing a system of carcass quality, traceability, and feedback to suppliers, including animal identification systems and animal health compliance. It will enable suppliers and processors to comply with market requirements. The TA will support a series of stakeholder workshops and meetings at national- and aimag-levels to inform systems development, and to rollout use of the system.
(iii) Strengthening the capacity of the General Authority of Veterinary Services (GAVS) in the traceability of livestock and livestock products through the establishment of the Mongolian Animal Health Information System (MAHIS) in the project area."
Risk Categorization: Low
According to the Technical Assistance Report: "The TA is estimated to cost $1.0 million, of which $1.0 million will be financed on a grant basis by the Japan Fund for Poverty Reduction (JFPR)".
Responsible ADB Officer: Hinrichs, Jan F.
Executing Agencies
Ministry of Food, Agriculture, and Light Industry (MOFALI)
Strategic Planning and Policy Department
MOFALI, Peace Avenue, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
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