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According to the bank website, the project consists of a sovereign loan of up to EUR 25 million to the Republic of Moldova. The proposed investment will finance priority investments to improve solid waste management services across the country, establish integrated solid waste management systems in the participating Waste Management Regions in line with Moldova's National Waste Management Strategy (the "NWMS") and the country's undertakings under the Association Agreement with the EU. The Project is an important step towards sustainable solid waste management services in Moldova.
The loan will be provided in several tranches. It is envisaged that Tranche 1 will be committed at loan signing and will co-finance investments in Waste Management Region 5, which includes Ungheni, Nisporeni and Calarasi Rayons ("WMR 5"). Subsequent tranches will finance WMRs to be proposed by the Moldovan Government and validated by feasibility studies.
Vlada Vutcarau - Project Manager, Public Institution Environmental Project Implementation Unit
51 A, Alexandru cel Bun str; Chisinau mun.; Republic of Moldova
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