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According to ADB documents, the proposed investment will be in the form of a Project Readiness Financing (PRF) that will conduct all due diligence, including safeguard assessments, and prepare due diligence and safeguard documents that the government and ADB need to approve for the Kurram Tangi Integrated Water Resources Development Project. This will include update of land acquisition and resettlement plan, environment impact assessment, financial and economic analysis, and gender action plan. The PRF will also help prepare procurement documents and implement procurement activities. This will include support to the executing and implementing agencies in carrying out (i) bidding process, specifically advance procurement actions before ADB Board approval of the ensuing project; and (ii) start-up activities such as the recruitment of project implementation support consultants and/or staff.
The Government of Pakistan has requested project readiness financing (PRF) from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) to prepare the ensuing Kurram Tangi Integrated Water Resources Development Project. The ensuing project is a priority for the government and is aligned with ADB's Strategy 2030, addressing poverty and inequality, climate change and disaster risk management, rural development and food security, and strengthening governance and institutional capacity. The government's Vision 2025, and ADB's Country Partnership Strategy (2020 2025), all emphasize the need for water, energy and food security, reducing rural poverty and enhancing rural livelihoods, and reducing regional growth disparities.
The PRF will ensure high project readiness of the ensuing project, thereby facilitating the timely and cost- effective achievement of the project outcomes. The PRF and the ensuing project are listed in the country operations business plan (COBP), 2021 2023 for Pakistan. The government approved the Planning Commission Proforma-II for the proposed PRF in June 2021. ADB's value addition will include (i) capacity development for improved water resources management; (ii) updating environmental impact assessment, land acquisition and resettlement plan, gender action plans with a special focus on gender equality in line with detailed design; (iii) ensuring climate-resilient designs; (iv) integration of command area development with the key water storage and irrigation infrastructure; and (v) demonstration of digital technologies, modernized irrigation, and climate smart agriculture practices.
Responsible ADB Officer | Yaozhou Zhou |
Responsible ADB Department | Central and West Asia Department |
Responsible ADB Division | Environment, Natural Resources & Agriculture Division, CWRD |
Executing Agencies | Water and Power Development Authority Mr. Muhammad Amin Jan 701 WAPDA House Lahore, Pakistan |
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