Original disclosure @ ADB website
Updated in EWS Jul 21, 2020
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According to the bank document, the project aims to improve access to quality three-year early childhood education (ECE), especially in rural areas by
(i) increasing quality ECE facilities, especially in rural areas;
(ii) improving pre- and in-service kindergarten teachers and principal training systems; and
(iii) developing models and systems for improving and ensuring the quality of ECE, especially in rural areas.
The project will be the first ECE project in the PRC. Assistance from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) will facilitate access to knowledge and expertise in ECE pedagogy, quality assessments, and research. It will also add value by introducing digital technologies and solutions to enhance access to quality ECE, especially in rural areas, and strengthen institutional capacity and governance.
Impact evaluation of specific ECE interventions on child progress and development, and possibly on women's labor force participation, is considered. ADB will further support, through innovative pilots and ECE research, the development of ECE knowledge base for other PRC provinces and ADB developing member countries as regional public goods. The project is aligned with ADB's country partnership strategy for the PRC, 2016 2020 and Strategy 2030.
TA 9589-PRC: Jiangxi Shangrao Early Childhood Education Demonstration Project
Technical Assistance Special Fund US$ 0.4 million
Responsible ADB Division Urban and Social Sectors Division, EARD
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