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According to bank documents, the investment involves provision of a sovereign loan to the Republic of Lebanon to assist the Ministry of Energy and Water ("MoEW") and the state-owned utility Electricite du Liban ("EdL") in reinforcing and upgrading Lebanon's electricity transmission network.
The proceeds of the Bank's loan will be used to finance capital expenditures to upgrade and reinforce electricity grid in the north of Beirut including new substations and underground cables. The Project will contribute to the reinforcement of the electricity grid in anticipation of the additional electricity generation capacity to be added in the next few years and therefore improve the electricity sector's sustainability.
Technical assistance will be provided for the purposes of:
1) Environmental and Social Due Diligence - an Environmental and Social Assessment of the Project was carried out by an external consultant to provide recommendations for environmental, health and safety, and social management of EdL and agreeing on an ESAP.
2) Advance Procurement Support - the assistance aims at supporting the preparation of tender documents based on EBRD's templates for the contracts under the Project, preparation of the tender evaluation reports, and preparation of draft Contract Agreements by using EBRD's standard templates in accordance with the requirements of the Bank's Procurement Polices and Rules (PP&R) for public sector operation.
3) Financial Reporting - the assistance targets improvements in EdL's financial transparency by supporting the company in adopting International Financial Reporting Standards.
4) Corporate Governance and Compliance - the assistance aims to support the implementation of anti-corruption measures to enhance EdL's corporate governance functions.
5) Project Implementation Unit - the assistance aims at establishing a consultancy support to assist MoEW and EDL in the implementation of the Project and ESAP monitoring.
Zakaria Rammal
+961 3 732 968
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