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According to the bank document, the proposed technical assistance (TA) will improve the institutional capacity of selected Asian Development Bank (ADB) developing member countries (DMCs) to localize the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In response to DMC demand, the proposed TA will add value to the programs and operations of regional departments by supporting (i) the strengthening of awareness, knowledge, and skills for effective localization of the SDGs in selected DMCs; (ii) testing of innovative institutional capacity interventions for localizing SDGs in selected DMCs; and (iii) enhancing dialogue, including among developing countries, on good practices in SDG localization.
The proposed TA is included in the 2017 work program of the Governance Thematic Group (GovTG). It builds on previous knowledge activities of the GovTG, such as the conferences conducted jointly with the Development Partners Network on Decentralization and Local Governance (DeLoG) in August 2015 and September 2016, and the international conference on the Role of Managing for Development Results in Achieving the SDGs (June 2017). The proposed TA also takes into account the lessons from a series of learning programs on Multi-Stakeholder Engagement for Reform in different settings. The TA is aligned with recent ADB strategy and policy papers on public sector management, institutional performance, and capacity development, and factors in lessons from past and ongoing decentralization and local governance operations in countries such as Cambodia, the People's Republic of China (PRC), Indonesia, Nepal, and the Philippines.
Project Officer
Buentjen, Claudia
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