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According to the bank document, the program aims to improve the quality of government budget on health, education, social protection and infrastructure, and is consistent with the government's reform priorities to:
(i) align the medium-term expenditure with the National Medium Term Development Plan 2015 2019 (RPJMN 2015 2019) and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs);
(ii) enhance the national public expenditure system; and
(iii) improve fiscal transfers and spending for better service delivery at the subnational government level.
The proposed subprogram is aligned with the operational priorities in ADB Strategy 2030 to:
(i) address poverty and reduce inequality,
(ii) strengthen governance and institutional capacity and
(iii) accelerate progress on gender equality.
Ordinary capital resources (ADB) US$ 500.00 million
KfW Bankengruppe US$ (non-ADB) 553.70 million
Executing Agencies
Fiscal Policy Office-Ministry of Finance
Fiscal Policy Office-Ministry of Finance
Gedung RM Notohamiprojo, 8th floor
Jl. DR. Wahidin No. 1
Jakarta, Indonesia
*There is no further information being disclosed at this stage of the project*
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