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The TA is composed of two components. Component A will assist MOF's Treasury Department in enhancing the present procurement system. Component B will help China PPP Center (CPPPC) to further develop the PPP information disclosure system. ADB field missions and reached an understanding on the objectives, scope, implementation arrangements, costs and TORs for the TA.
Output 1: Government procurement system assessment tool developed. Building on past reviews by the PRC, ADB, and other development partners, output 1 will conduct an assessment on the strengths and weaknesses of the government procurement system and the roles of key government agencies involved in procurement. Output 1 also will conduct research on the legal framework governing procurement centrally and locally, and on the procurement practices adopted by different government agencies. It will also identify any weaknesses and opportunities for further improvements, as well as opportunities to align with best international practices. The TA will develop the GPAT in line with international good practices, notably the Methodology for Assessing Procurement Systems of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development. The GPAT will provide a user-friendly tool for ongoing assessments of the quality and effectiveness of government procurement. The TA will pilot the use of the GPAT in selected implementing agencies, which MOF and ADB will jointly identify.
Output 2: Policy recommendations for improvements of the existing procurement system drafted. Based on the assessment of the present procurement system and the pilot use of the GPAT, the consultant team will prepare recommendations for further refinement of the GPAT and government procurement.
Output 3: Policy recommendations on public–private partnership disclosure drafted. The TA will review the information disclosure frameworks and practices for PPPs in other jurisdictions. Output 3 will identify the key drivers of disclosure. It will prepare an overview of the general transparency environment, the history and outlook for PPP disclosure, political economy considerations, the legal and policy framework, the disclosure process, the relevant institutions and their roles, and how confidential information is treated. Output 3 will address key issues in PPP contract information disclosure, including confidentiality requirements, templates, technology, and bid terms and conditions. It will also analyze the disclosure approaches for different stages of the PPP project life cycle.
Output 4: Public–private partnership disclosure guidelines drafted. The TA will draft guidelines for CPPPC’s consideration, drawing on output 3. The guidelines will also build on relevant public information disclosure regulations and be consistent with CPPPC’s mandates. They will identify the required information disclosure at each stage of project preparation and implementation.
Ministry of Finance
Sanlihe, Xicheng District
People's Republic of China
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