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The proposed project aims to improve the urban transport environment in Jinan, Shandong province by reducing emissions and congestion in the city through the development of a modern trolley bus network. It will be developed and designed through a project preparatory technical assistance (PPTA) in order to verify the technical, financial, economic, social and environmental viability of the project and develop sustainable urban mobility strategies for the city, to be implemented together with the trolley bus system. The outcome of the project will be enhanced sustainable urban mobility with integrated public transport services and a zero emission trolleybus network.
The PPTA will (i) prepare technical preliminary design of trolley bus infrastructure, trolley bus standard recommendation, trolley bus lane and stations, and trolley bus depots; (ii) conduct cost and benefit analysis, and financial analysis of the trolley bus system development and operation based on travel demand forecast; (iii) conduct a financial management assessment of the EA and IA; (iv) conduct safeguards assessments; (v) conduct emission reduction and impact analysis on health; and (vi) conduct sustainable urban mobility assessment and strategy preparation. The project will adopt a model-based approach for travel demand forecast, emission estimations, environment impact estimations and benefit estimations.
Jinan Municipal Government
Longao Bldg, No. 1 Longding Road,
Lixia District
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