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The technical assistance (TA) will summarize expected climate change phenomena and impacts in the various climate zones of the People's Republic of China (PRC), assess climate change risks, review and assess relevant knowledge resources, and prepare international and domestic good practice cases on urban climate change adaptation (UCCA). The TA will align, and as much as possible, link to global and regional climate change adaptation initiatives. It will be coordinated and create synergies with other ongoing TAs both in the PRC and throughout the Asian Development Bank (ADB). UCCA toolkits will be compiled using readily available best practice case examples.
Technical guidelines and standards will be prepared, aiming at providing options to improve and mainstream UCCA in the PRC. The guidelines will consider the PRC's various geographical climate risks on urban areas, infrastructure and assets for various types of cities, and risks to public safety and human health. The UCCA guidelines will include recommendations for planning and actions for existing and new urban areas. They will also consider integrated land use and adaptation planning, and options for ecosystems-based adaptation especially for planning of new urban areas using green infrastructure in the form of green space and various synergies that ecosystems services provide.
The TA will develop and pilot test recommendations for policies, institutional arrangements, and governance to observe climate change, plan climate-proof and resilient adaptation for existing urban areas, and plan climate resilient new urban areas integrating land use, transport, and green open space applying an ecosystems-based adaptation approach, and review and improve city-level early warning system (EWS) and mechanisms. Pilot cities will be selected from a pool of pre-selected cities by the executing agency. The TA will provide training and support to apply the technical guidelines and institutional arrangements, and test Smart City and geographic information system applications to improve UCCA. Capacity building will be included in the form of disseminated reports, consultations with line agencies, workshops, and training events as well as on-the-job training (OJT) for the executing agency and pilot cities. The TA is included in the country operations and business plan (2017 2019) for the PRC.
Urban and urban-rural climate change adaptation systems and capacities in the PRC improved and mainstreamed.
This TA will require inputs from international and national specialists, who will be recruited to deliver the three outputs with a total of 41 person-months of consultant inputs, 13 person-months international, 28 person-months national). The consultants will be engaged through a firm in accordance with ADB's Guidelines on the Use of Consultants (2013, as amended from time to time) using the quality- and cost-based selection method, with a quality cost ratio of 90:10 using simplified technical proposal procedures.
Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development
9 San Li He Road, Haidian District
Beijing 100835
People's Republic of China
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