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The proposed TA is intended to support MOT in its planning responsibility to develop and coordinate intercity services in the BTH region, providing expertise in (i) intercity network planning; (ii) multimodal hub and transit-oriented development; (iii) funding options, including public–private partnership for intercity rail construction and operations; and (iv) institutional development. MOT will involve JJJ Intercity Rapid Railway Investment Co., Ltd. as a TA counterpart where relevant. The experience gained through this TA will serve intercity development elsewhere in the PRC.
The expected impact of the TA is the development of sustainable intercity railway services in the BTH region. The expected outcome is a coordinated policy framework to enable integrated intercity railway services in the BTH region.
Intercity railway network planning for Beijing–Tianjin–Hebei region improved. The TA will support MOT and the JJJ Intercity Rapid Railway Investment Co., Ltd. with intercity network planning and station location, developing the strategy, and preparing a phased, prioritized plan for construction and operation. Consultants will provide a strategy document on intercity railway development in the BTH region up to 2030 and this strategy document will be submitted to MOT by October 2016. 15.
Multimodal hub plan for intercity railway stations developed. The TA will support planning for the development of integrated multimodal stations and transit-oriented development of station areas. Consultants will submit recommendations on mode integration, multimodal hub design, and transit-oriented development in the region will be submitted to MOT and JJJ Intercity Rapid Railway Investment Co., Ltd. by October 2016. 16.
Funding options for intercity railways formulated. The TA will prepare policy proposals for MOT to support the implementation of intercity services, including the funding of infrastructure, intercity operations and stations, and real estate development. Guidelines for, and support to, the development to public–private partnerships will also be prepared. Funding guidelines on infrastructure construction (including stations and station area development) and operations will be submitted to MOT by October 2016. 17.
Regulatory framework for intercity railways developed. The TA will strengthen MOT in the development of institutional arrangements for construction, financing, and operation of an intercity railway network in the BTH region. Guidelines on institutional arrangements in planning, financing, and implementing of the intercity network in the BTH region will be submitted by consultants by October 2016.
Ministry of Transportation (formerly Min of Comm)
10 Fuxing Road
Beijing 100845
People's Republic of China
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