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The goal of the Government of Bangladesh (GOB) is to make the country free from acute power shortages, load shedding, and to electrify all rural villages by 2020. Following the government's request, on 4 January 2012 ADB approved loan 2769, Power System Efficiency Improvement Project, which aims to address two key areas in the electricity supply industry: improving thermal power plants; and expanding the renewable energy penetration in the country. As part of the commitment of the GOB to integrate gender and social considerations in the energy sector and identifying entry points to address gender and social inclusion issues in the power sector, the ADB was asked -in September 2014- to assist in developing a strategy to further expand the integration of gender related activities into the ongoing loan 2769 for greater gender equality results, by spearheading the use of new off-grid renewable energy options to maximize the hybrid power system in Hatiya Island.The scope of the Technical Assistance (TA) includes increasing women's participation in energy related employment and energy based livelihood opportunities resulting from the loan; provision of technical training for women to enable them to maximize them; and a gender sensitive user-education program module to improve household energy efficiency, targeting female headed poor households on the safe and efficient use of electricity, elaboration of a customized dissemination and user friendly educational campaign in the efficient management of electricity services provided by the new hybrid power technologies. The Gender Action Plan (GAP) will continue to be implemented using the loan proceeds under Loan 2769. Impact and Outcome. The impact will be increased employment and livelihood opportunities for below poverty line (BPL) and vulnerable women in Hatiya Island. The outcome will be efficient electricity services maximizing inclusive access to energy resources and service. The proposed TA will have 4 outputs as follows, (i) Output 1: Improved local power infrastructure maximizing benefits for BPL women and FHH, which includes community based solar irrigation pumping systems for effective agriculture; PV street lighting in select areas; nano-grid cluster grid for connecting HH located far away from the main grid; community based PV refrigerators for preserving fish catch; internet access provided through one community e-center for increased information dissemination and learning; (ii) Output 2: Increased women's participation as entrepreneurs and service providers, which includes skills and technical training to enhance women's energy-based alternative livelihood opportunities through local power infrastructure development; implementation of electrical connections and electricity billing within the Output Based Aid program (the grant financed electrical connection from HH to the distribution grid); (iii) Output 3: Gender sensitive user-education program developed and implemented, which includes preparing awareness raising materials and implement user education program on safe and efficient use of electricity targeting poor FHH; and (iv) Output 4: Executing Agency (EA) Capacity developed in gender-inclusive community engagement, which will sensitize the EA in gender-inclusive community involvement in project activities.
Issues: Access to modern energy services is an important indicator of poverty and the state of social development. The regional demand for electricity in South Asia is steadily rising with continued economic development and it is expected to grow with households and industry as main consumers. ADB's Energy Outlook (2013) finds that South Asia will register the fastest yearly growth rate for electricity demand at 5.3%, a more than three-fold increase (from 2010) at 2,761.6 Terawatt hour (TWh) in 2035, while the key challenge remains the sector's sustainable development to provide secure and highly qualitative electricity services for all. In Bangladesh, energy shortage is considered the most critical infrastructure constraint to economic development, livelihoods and quality of life especially in rural areas. Including a gender oriented and properly engineered, improved and reliable power supply will enhance women's energy-related livelihood opportunities; reduce their household drudgery, while supporting environmental sustainability. Improved and reliable power supply will enhance women's energy-related livelihood opportunities. The proposed TA is in line with ADB's country operations business plan (COBP) 2015-2017 for Bangladesh, which prioritizes energy as a key area of support setting as a primary goal to reducing dependency on imported fossil fuels by implementing energy efficiency and conservation, including power generation from indigenous renewable energy sources. Gender equity is one of ADB's five drivers-of-change within its overarching goal of poverty reduction.
Increased employment and livelihood opportunities in Hatiya Island for women living below the poverty line (BPL) and vulnerable women
ADB will hire a consulting firm in accordance with the Guidelines on the Use of Consultants by ADB and its Borrowers (2013). The team of consultants will prepare deliverables for submission to BRM, according to their approved schedule and working plan.
Goods will be procured as per ADB's Procurement Guidelines (2013). The proceeds of the TA will be disbursed in line with ADB's Technical Assistance Disbursement Handbook (April 2010, as amended from time to time). The project is expected to start in August 2015 and be implemented over 17 months, with estimated completion in December 2016. BRM will be responsible for the implementation of the project, in consultation with SAEN.
TA 8927-BAN: Enabling Poor Women's Benefits from Enhanced Access to Energy in Hatiya Island
Republic of Korea e-Asia and Knowledge Partnership Fund US$ 500,000.00
TA 8927-BAN: Enabling Poor Women's Benefits from Enhanced Access to Energy in Hatiya Island (Supplementary)
Strategic Climate Fund - SREP US$ 214,000.00
Spanish Cooperation Fund for Technical Assistance US$ 225,000.00
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Responsible ADB Officer Nahar, Nazmun
Responsible ADB Department South Asia Department
Responsible ADB Division Bangladesh Resident Mission
Executing Agencies Sustainable and Renewable Energy Development Authority
Bidyut Bhaban (Level 10) 1 Abdul Gani Road,
Dhaka 1000, Bangladesh