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According to ADB website, the focus of the TA is to prepare a diagnostic study on SWM with prefeasibility studies for pilot projects and an indicative investment plan for small and remote communities. The study will focus on key development and policy challenges in small and remote communities related to SWM, and will help identify solutions. Institutional capacity for effective SWM in remote and small communities is completely lacking. Technical parameters guiding SWM are absent. Lack of awareness of proper SWM has led to slow emergence of fee-based solutions and the low prioritization accorded to SWM. This is leading to acute environmental degradation and threats to public health, in turn constraining the future development of the communities.
The impact will be an improved and efficient SWM system in the selected small communities of Armenia. Performance indicator include complete waste management service established and operating in at least two remote communities by 2021.
Project Officer: Barseghyan, Areg Arcady
Central and West Asia Department
No contact information provided at the time of disclosure.
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