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According to ADB website, building on the financial literacy work conducted under the two previous ADB technical assistance, the TA will support the development of country specific survey questionnaires based on OECD/INFE Toolkit to Measure Financial Literacy and Financial Inclusion. A national survey with a sample size of at least 10,000 will be carried out. The demand side of financial literacy in Thailand will be reflected through the survey result and the analysis (where the gaps are in terms of awareness, understanding and skills). Based on the survey questionnaires developed, the TA will support the development of a web-based questionnaire and data processing system which will be a sustainable monitoring and evaluation tool. The TA will help to strengthen the supply side of financial knowledge in Thailand both in terms of content and coordination mechanism.
Project Officer: Attapich, Luxmon
Southeast Asia Department
No contact information provided at the time of disclosure.
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