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According to ADB website, the proposed TA supports the PRC government's strategy for delinking the economic growth and increased greenhouse gas emissions and increasing the utilization of renewable energy. The proposed TA is also a timely response to address the urban air pollution in Northern PRC which is partly attributed to coal fired heating plants located in urban areas and supports the recently issued regulations by National Energy Administration to increase non-polluting energy sources for heat supply. ADB's PRC: Country Partnership Strategy 2011 2015 also prioritized ADB support for innovative technologies and institutional arrangements to mitigate climate change, urban environment and private sector participation in delivery of public services. The proposed TA will enhance the capacity of provincial government agencies to utilize distributed renewable energy sources for heat supply in urban areas by assessing the feasibility of geothermal energy and wind power as a potential heat source in the context of Hebei Province.
Executing Agency: Hebei Development Reform Commission
Mr. Xiaolin Qiao, Chief
Email Address:
No. 55 Ziqiang Road, Shijiazhuang Hebei 050000 People's Republic of China
Project Officer: Perera, Pradeep
East Asia Department, ADB
No contact information provided at the time of disclosure.
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