Supporting Public-Private Partnership Investments in Sindh Province (ADB-46538-002)

  • South Asia
Geographic location where the impacts of the investment may be experienced.
  • Pakistan
Geographic location where the impacts of the investment may be experienced.
Specific Location
Whenever identified, the area within countries where the impacts of the investment may be experienced. Exact locations of projects may not be identified fully or at all in project documents. Please review updated project documents and community-led assessments.
Financial Institutions
  • Asian Development Bank (ADB)
International, regional and national development finance institutions. Many of these banks have a public interest mission, such as poverty reduction.
Project Status
Stage of the project cycle. Stages vary by development bank and can include: pending, approval, implementation, and closed or completed.
Bank Risk Rating
Environmental and social categorization assessed by the development bank as a measure of the planned project’s environmental and social impacts. A higher risk rating may require more due diligence to limit or avoid harm to people and the environment. For example, "A" or "B" are risk categories where "A" represents the highest amount of risk. Results will include projects that specifically recorded a rating, all other projects are marked ‘U’ for "Undisclosed."
Voting Date
Nov 24, 2016
Date when project documentation and funding is reviewed by the Board for consideration and approval. Some development banks will state a "board date" or "decision date." When funding approval is obtained, the legal documents are accepted and signed, the implementation phase begins.
Government of Pakistan
A public entity (government or state-owned) provided with funds or financial support to manage and/or implement a project.
  • Energy
  • Law and Government
  • Transport
The service or industry focus of the investment. A project can have several sectors.
Investment Type(s)
Grant, Loan
The categories of the bank investment: loan, grant, guarantee, technical assistance, advisory services, equity and fund.
Investment Amount (USD)
$ 119.23 million
Value listed on project documents at time of disclosure. If necessary, this amount is converted to USD ($) on the date of disclosure. Please review updated project documents for more information.
Loan Amount (USD)
$ 100.00 million
Value listed on project documents at time of disclosure. If necessary, this amount is converted to USD ($) on the date of disclosure. Please review updated project documents for more information.
Grant Amount (USD)
$ 19.23 million
Value listed on project documents at time of disclosure. If necessary, this amount is converted to USD ($) on the date of disclosure. Please review updated project documents for more information.
Project Cost (USD)
$ 123.98 million
Value listed on project documents at time of disclosure. If necessary, this amount is converted to USD ($) on the date of disclosure. Please review updated project documents for more information.
Primary Source

Original disclosure @ ADB website

Updated in EWS May 21, 2024

Disclosed by Bank Sep 28, 2016

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Project Description
If provided by the financial institution, the Early Warning System Team writes a short summary describing the purported development objective of the project and project components. Review the complete project documentation for a detailed description.


The proposed project will support the development policies of GoS for sustainable infrastructure provision through PPPs. It is aligned with Midterm Review of Strategy 2020, in which PPPs are a key driver of change, and the Country Partnership Strategy 2015-2019. The project builds on ADBs partnership with GoS to develop the PPP framework under a program cluster in 2009, using lessons learned from this program and the Country Assistance Program Evaluation for Pakistan.

The expected impact of the project is aligned with the number of infrastructure investments and services in Sindh improved. The expected outcome is fiscally-responsible private sector participation and investment in infrastructure increased in Sindh.

The outputs are (i) GoS capacity to select and develop PPP projects strengthened; (ii) PPP project-related fiscal risk effectively managed by the PPP Support Facility (PSF); and (iii) PPP project selection and subsequent management capacity of line departments, finance, and planning and development departments strengthened.


With 44 million inhabitants representing 23% of Pakistan's population and a GDP share of 32%, Sindh has large infrastructure and social service needs, which exceed the provincial public resources available. With limited sources of revenue, federal transfers constituted 79% of Sindh's budget in 2016. Only PRs 225 billion or 25% of Sindh's annual budget was allocated to the Annual Development Plan (ADP) in FY2017, which funds infrastructure development among other initiatives. The World Bank estimates that Sindh's annual infrastructure investments only represent 3% to 4% of estimated requirements in transport, electricity, water supply and sanitation, solid waste, telecom, and irrigation. In addition Sindh requires investments in health, and education This also highlights GoS inability to fully utilize the development budget for meeting its infrastructure needs under the traditional public procurement mechanism. To meet the pressing needs of infrastructure in the province, public sector investments must be augmented by stronger private sector participation. In addition to bridging the funding gap for infrastructure investments, PPPs may also help in accelerating completion and enhancing the efficiency of operations of infrastructure projects. However, PPPs also carry significant fiscal risks that need to be managed and mitigated.

To close the significant infrastructure demand supply gap in the context of extremely limited fiscal resources, GoS began reforms to facilitate the use of PPP investments by promulgating the Sindh PPP Act 2010, as well as legal guidelines and procurement rules, institutional arrangements for PPPs and providing public resources through its financing. A PPP Policy Board, led by the Chief Minister, was established to approve PPPs. A PPP Unit within the Sindh Finance Department (SFD) helps relevant government departments to identify and develop suitable PPP projects within Sindh's ADP. A project development facility (PDF) and a viability gap fund (VGF) were established in 2010 to support the use of transaction advisory services and fund the public financing portion of PPPs. So far Sindh has funded five (5) PPP investments that commenced operation in 2013-2015. Sindh has so far identified a pipeline of projects, of which 36 have passed concept approval, with an estimated cost of PRs 240 billion.

However, the experience of the first years demonstrates that considerable efforts are required to improve the leverage of public financing through private capital and adjust financing policies and modalities to reach that objective and minimize fiscal risks related to PPPs. As PPP investments and contingent liabilities grow, it is essential to better prioritize project selection followed by proper structuring to minimize fiscal risks. As a first step PPP project identification should be reflected in Sindh's ADP and carefully consider project revenue generation and identify potential risks and its mitigation.

The structure of Sindh's PPPs must be significantly improved through: (i) robust policy that guides the selection of eligible viable PPP projects (including the treatment of non-solicited proposals) based on Sindh's ADPs; (ii) equitable risk participation from investors and lenders; (iii) rigorous risk management policies and supporting systems that entail project and related fiscal risks; and (iv) sound policies that guide the proper use of public funding through the VGF and otherwise.


Infrastructure investments and services in Sindh improved


Fiscally-responsible private sector participation and investment in infrastructure increased in Sindh.


The TA will require 20 person-months of international and 590 person-months of national consulting services for technical, advisory, and capacity development support through short-term and full-time engagement with the project counterparts and stakeholders.

Early Warning System Project Analysis
For a project with severe or irreversible impacts to local community and natural resources, the Early Warning System Team may conduct a thorough analysis regarding its potential impacts to human and environmental rights.

The ADB categorized the project risks as follows:

Environment FI
Involuntary Resettlement FI
Indigenous Peoples FI-C
Investment Description
Here you can find a list of individual development financial institutions that finance the project.

Grant 0518-PAK: Supporting Public-Private Partnership Investments in Sindh Province
Department for International Development US$ 19.23 million

Loan 3469-PAK: Supporting Public-Private Partnership Investments in Sindh Province
Ordinary capital resources US$ 100.00 million

TA 9239-PAK: Enhancing Public Private Partnerships in Pakistan (Provincial Support)
Government of the United Kingdom US$ 4.75 million

Contact Information
This section aims to support the local communities and local CSO to get to know which stakeholders are involved in a project with their roles and responsibilities. If available, there may be a complaint office for the respective bank which operates independently to receive and determine violations in policy and practice. Independent Accountability Mechanisms receive and respond to complaints. Most Independent Accountability Mechanisms offer two functions for addressing complaints: dispute resolution and compliance review.


The Accountability Mechanism is an independent complaint mechanism and fact-finding body for people who believe they are likely to be, or have been, adversely affected by an Asian Development Bank-financed project. If you submit a complaint to the Accountability Mechanism, they may investigate to assess whether the Asian Development Bank is following its own policies and procedures for preventing harm to people or the environment. You can learn more about the Accountability Mechanism and how to file a complaint at:

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