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According to ADB website, Cambodia experiences drought and flood incidents that impact a significant portion of its poor population every year. As global climate conditions continue to change, Cambodia will experience increasingly unpredictable flood and drought occurrences that may overwhelm the country's limited capacity and resources.
The project is aligned with the Midterm Review of ADB’s Strategy 2020; the Southeast Asia Department’s Climate Change Implementation Plan; and various sector assessments, strategies, and road maps prepared as background to the new country partnership strategy, 2014–2018. The Project supports ADB’s Cambodia country partnership strategy, 2011–2013, which aims to reduce poverty and promote inclusive growth with an integrated approach to rural development, targeting the areas where most poor reside.8 At the same time, it will also be consistent with social protection measures, community-based development, and public sector capacity development. The project will complement the planned institutional strengthening related to disaster risk management conducted under the approved CDTA Strengthening Coordination for the Management of Disasters 9 by institutionalizing community-based DRR and coordination through localized structures at the district and commune levels.
The program has the following components:
Component A: Institutional and technical capacity of priority districts on disaster risk reduction (DRR) and management improved.
Component B: Capacity of target communes for DRR, CCA, and disaster management enhanced
Component C: Community-based disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation actions implemented
Component D: Effective project management and dissemination of best practices and innovative approaches
Project Officer: Hem, Chanthou
Southeast Asia Department
Email Address:
Ross Sovann, Deputy Secretary General
National Committee for Disaster Management Secretariat
St. 516, SK. Toul Sangke, Khan Russey Keo, Phnom Penh
Fax/Phone: +855 23 885 934
Mobile: +855 (0) 17 609 906, (0) 977 609 906, (0) 80 960 000
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