Original disclosure @ FMO website
Updated in EWS Jun 13, 2018
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Rift Valley Railway Investments ("RVR") is the holding company for the two companies that won the concessions to run the railway services of Kenya and Uganda. The concessions involved taking over the management of rail track, locomotives and rolling stock of Kenya Railway Corporation ("KRC") and Uganda Railway Corporation ("URC"). The rail network was built by the British around 1900 as Uganda Railway and consists of a main line running from Mombasa port to Nairobi, and one through western Kenya to Kampala in Uganda.
In order to deal with the environmental degradation of 12 working sites, RVR requested FMOa€™s and Proparcoa€™s support to build tangible human and technical capacity within selected RVR active workstations to undertake environmentally sound remediation of historically polluted sites.
12 contaminated sites are remediated and clean after this project, which is shown in the following benefits that will be realized: 1. Water quality and soil characteristics at the 12 sites in scope comply with national standards, this includes mechanisms to monitor the quality in the long term; 2. Clean-up of all historically contaminated sites, thus preventing environmental degradation caused by contaminated and abandoned sites; 3. Clean up/remediation technologies developed and piloted at hazardous waste sites for both knowledge dissemination and project based coaching; 4. Guidelines and standards for remediation will be developed and supervisory capacity of technical staff in RVR to implement & monitor remediation plans will be built.
Communities who believe they will be negatively affected by a project funded by the Dutch Development Bank (FMO) may be able to file a complaint with the Independent Complaints Mechanism, which is the joint independent accountability mechanism of the Dutch Development Bank (FMO) and the German Investment Corporation (KfW) . A complaint can be filed in writing, by email, post, or online. The complaint can be filed in English or any other language of the complainant. The Independent Complaints Mechanism is comprised of a three-member Independent Expert Panel and it can provide either problem-solving, compliance review or both, in either order. Additional information about this accountability mechanism, including a guide and template for filing a complaint, can be found at: https://www.fmo.nl/independent-complaints-mechanism.