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According to IFC website, BiCapital is a leading financial services group in Guatemala, with a growing presence in Honduras, El Salvador and Panama. It provides a comprehensive range of corporate and retail banking, insurance and other financial services to over 1.7 million clients in the region. Banco Industrial in particular, is the banking arm of the group that provides commercial and retail financial services in Guatemala and El Salvador, and the target of IFC’s proposed investment. The opportunity available for IFC is to support Banco Industrial’s operations in Guatemala and El Salvador through an investment comprised of:
1. A regional credit line for up to US$ 190 million in the form of straight senior long-term loans allocated, US$ 175 million to Banco Industrial Guatemala, and US$ 15 million to Banco Industrial El Salvador, to be used to finance SMEs, and climate smart and;
2. An advisory services component targeted to support Banco Industrial Guatemala on its objective to enhance its capacity on Sustainable Energy Finance.
The proposed IFC investment is in the form of senior long-term loans allocated as follows:
-- Banco Industrial Guatemala: US$ 100 million A loan for IFC’s own account + US$ 75 million from IFC acting in its capacity as implementing entity for the Managed Co-Lending Portfolio Program (“MCPP”),
-- Banco Industrial El Salvador: US$ 15 million A loan
The IFC board approved $110 million.
More on BI:
BiCapital is a 100% privately-held institution formed in November 2006 as a holding company incorporated under the laws of Panama. Its primary assets (85%) include Banco Industrial Guatemala, and Seguros El Roble, the largest bank and insurance company in the country, respectively, which are also among the most profitable entities in the Guatemalan banking and insurance systems with ROAE of 18.2%, according to the Guatemala Superintendence of Banks (“GSB”). BiCapital Corporation has a highly pulverized shareholding structure with over 2000 individuals. Simultaneously, Banco Industrial Guatemala owns 90% of Banco Industrial El Salvador with the remaining 10% distributed among several minority shareholders.
BiCapital is a 100% privately-held institution formed in November 2006 as a holding company incorporated under the laws of Panama. Its primary assets (85%) include Banco Industrial Guatemala, and Seguros El Roble, the largest bank and insurance company in the country, respectively, which are also among the most profitable entities in the Guatemalan banking and insurance systems with ROAE of 18.2%, according to the Guatemala Superintendence of Banks (“GSB”).
BiCapital Corporation has a highly pulverized shareholding structure with over 2000 individuals. Simultaneously, Banco Industrial Guatemala owns 90% of Banco Industrial El Salvador with the remaining 10% distributed among several minority shareholders.
Project Contact: Luis Jorge Sifontes
Division Internacional, Banco Industrial
Contact No.: (502) 2420-3000 Ext.: 2959
Email Address:
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