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According to the bank document, this project seeks additional finance to continue the previous project as ADB-38354-013 which aims for the accountability of public institutions able to deliver high-quality public services strengthened (National Medium-Term Development Plan, 2015 2019; forthcoming National Medium-Term Development Plan, 2020-2024).
ADB-38354-013: State Accountability Revitalization Project
ADB US$ 90.00 million
Counterpart US$ 14.92 million
Executing Agencies
Badan Pengawasan Keuangan & Pembangunan
Jl. Hayam Wuruk No. 7
Jakarta 10120
Ministry of Finance Directorate General of Budget Financing and Risk Management
Frans Seda Building
Jln. Dr. Wahidin Raya No. 1
Jakarta 10710, Indonesia
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