Original disclosure @ CDB website
Updated in EWS Oct 11, 2023
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According to the CDB, the project will enhance the capacity of the Bahamas Technical and Vocational Institute to provide quality workforce development and learning opportunities for post-secondary students in the Bahamas.
Client - Bahamas Technical and Vocational Institute:
Addresses -
New Providence: Old Trail Road, P.O. Box N-4934, Nassau, Bahamas
Grand Bahama: Peachtree St. & Settlers Way, P.O. Box F-40477, Freeport, Grand Bahama
Phones -
New Providence: +242 502 6300
Grand Bahama: +242 352 2190
Faxes -
New Providence: +242 393 4005
Grand Bahama: +242 351 4028
Website: https://www.btvi.edu.bs/
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