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Agribusiness Advisory currently manages seven technical cooperation (TC) programmes that cover environmental, financial, legal & technical/commercial due diligence (project preparation) on investment projects in the Agribusiness, Manufacturing & Services (M&S), Natural Resources, Property & Tourism (P&T) and Telecommunications, Media & Technology (TMT) sectors (ICA). Each TC programme covers a different theme/sector/region/country:
• Project Preparation Support Programme for Agribusiness Projects in Ukraine
• Improving Animal Welfare Standards in Agribusiness
• Project Preparation & Implementation Support for Scaling up the Knowledge Economy Initiative (KEI) in Corporate Sector
• Green Economy Transition (GET) Project Preparation Support in Corporate Sector
• Project Preparation Support of Gender & Economic Inclusion Projects in Corporate Sector
• Project Preparation & Procurement Support for Internet Infrastructure Projects in Central Asia
• Addressing Impact of Covid-19 on Online Business Models
These TC programmes have the same standardised scope of work (SoW), budget methodology and ranges approved by the Grant Review Unit (GRU), which has granted to ICA the delegated authority to engage consultants against TOR based on the approved standardised SoW. It has been agreed with GRU that ICA will develop a new, unified TC programme for project preparation, which is the subject of this project summary document (PSD), and that ICA's seven legacy TC programmes for project preparation will be gradually phased out and will not be consolidated under this new unified TC programme.
ICA processes an average of 30 contracts a year for TC-funded due diligence against its legacy TC programmes, but this is not representative of the true demand, since many investment projects do not meet the thematic/sectoral/regional/country eligibility criteria for funding. While not all investment projects need due diligence, having a unified TC programme with delegated authority to support those that do, will enable Agribusiness Advisory to meet the needs of ICA OLs with agility and speed, and to support projects that may not qualify for funding under the seven legacy TC programmes. Typically, OLs may have tight deadlines for project approval, and may need donor funding because asking their clients to pay in full for due diligence will make the transaction commercially unviable. There is a steady pipeline of investment projects (already Agribusiness and M&S each have a pipeline of more than 20 projects for 2022).
The Team will fundraise either on an ad hoc basis for specific investment projects, or for a larger pot of money to be used against pipeline projects, and will monitor and observe donor requirements at the assignment/earmark level.
The Bank will be the main beneficiary of the services, as follows:
Activity 1: Environmental Due Diligence to determine how potential environmental, social, health & safety, and animal welfare impacts and associated financial, legal and reputational risks should be addressed in the project planning, implementation and operation:
• Review of corporate policies and practices
• Environmental audit of existing facilities
• Environmental & Social Action Plan
• Stakeholder Engagement Plan
Activity 2: Financial Due Diligence of enterprises that may not have experience in international standard accounting/auditing
• Assessment of earnings and underlying growth and margin trends
• Balance sheet analysis
• Review management information system
• Valuation of Company
Activity 3: Legal Due Diligence
• English legal opinion
• Prepare letter of information
• Corporate check of Company
• Draft financing agreements
Activity 4: Technical/Commercial Due Diligence to review current and expected market conditions and appropriateness of the business plan in light of relevant market trends.
• Market analysis
• Assessment of Company's competitive positioning
• Assessment of Company's business plan
• Assessment of Company's and competitors' product offerings
• Comment on Company's CAPEX programme
The investment amount was nor available at the moment of the snapshot.
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The Project Complaint Mechanism (PCM) is the independent complaint mechanism and fact-finding body for people who have been or are likely to be adversely affected by an European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)-financed project. If you submit a complaint to the PCM, it may assess compliance with EBRD's own policies and procedures to prevent harm to the environment or communities or it may assist you in resolving the problem that led to the complaint through a dialogue with those implementing the project. Additionally, the PCM has the authority to recommend a project be suspended in the event that harm is imminent.
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