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The proposed transaction consists in a guarantee denominated in bolivianos (BOB) for up to US$15 million to support an issuance in the Bolivian market of Social Gender Bonds in the amount of US$30 million by Banco Solidario, S.A. ("Banco Sol" or the "Bank"), to be financed by IDB Invest (the "Project"). IDB Invest will issue a Partial Credit Guarantee (PCG) for up to 50% of the bond issue in order to improve the rating profile of Banco Sol's issuance.
The resources of the bond will be used to finance micro and small-sized enterprises ("MSEs") as well as MSEs owned and/or led by women so as to increase their productive investments and economic development.
According to Pitchbook, Banco Solidario SA provides banking services. Its services include savings account, solidary savings, certificate of deposit, financial and social investment, microcredit, personal credit as well as electronic billing and others.
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ADDRESS: 1350 New York Ave NW, Washington, DC 20005
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The Independent Consultation and Investigation Mechanism (MICI) is the independent complaint mechanism and fact-finding body for people who have been or are likely to be adversely affected by an Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) or Inter-American Investment Corporation (IDB Invest)-funded project. If you submit a complaint to MICI, they may assist you in addressing the problems you raised through a dispute-resolution process with those implementing the project and/or through an investigation to assess whether the IDB or IDB Invest is following its own policies for preventing or mitigating harm to people or the environment. You can submit a complaint by sending an email to You can learn more about the MICI and how to file a complaint at,1752.html (in English) or,1752.html (Spanish).