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According to the Bank’s website, the objective of this project is to support the Ministry of Infrastructure with the implementation of the recommendations of the Bessarabia Action Plan (BAP), in particular those relating to Reni and Izmail.
Since the full-scale Russian war of aggression against of Ukraine in February 2022 Ukraine has suffered huge loss of life, damages to its natural resources, industrial assets, infrastructure, and major disruptions in its transport network, and import / export capabilities.
The complete occupation of the Azov Sea, and the blockade of the Black Sea ports resulted in impossibility to export Ukrainian commodities, including critical agriculture items. This undermined global food security and the viability of one of Ukraine's key export sectors and remains a key risk for the economic security of Ukraine and those countries dependent on its food exports.
In response, grain exporters began developing alternative transportation routes - with the utilisation of the Danube ports - in particular Reni and Izmail - providing a key alternative corridor alongside routes via Polish and other EU border crossing points. The Danube / Bessarabia corridor (the corridor) provides the main alternative for access to major deep-sea ports (such as Constanta), vital for onward shipping to key markets in the Middle East and further afield.
At request of the Ukraine Ministry of Infrastructure (MinInfra) in July 2022 the EBRD commissioned a study to identify bottlenecks and short-term measures (i.e. feasible for implementation within 6-12 months) to support the development of the Bessarabia transport corridor. The study focussed on grain logistics and identified around 15 priority measures from a long list of 50 across various stakeholders summarised into the Bessarabia Action Plan (BAP).
The BAP is now being implemented by MinInfra and its stakeholders, with further support from EBRD. MinInfra requires support with the implementation of the recommendations of the BAP, in particular those relating to Reni and Izmail, which fall under the responsibility of the Ukraine Sea Ports Authority (USPA) and the Ukraine Danube Shipping Company (UDSC).
The specific objectives of this assignment are:
1. Support BAP implementation – support the implementation of BAP recommendations, relating primarily to the practical and operational measures under the direct control of Reni and Izmail ports.
2. Prepare a port market study / demand assessment to inform the long-term development needs and opportunities of the ports covering all relevant goods / commodities, and including mapping of clients and origin / destination demand, profile and growth prospects.
3. Prepare a phased Masterplan for each of the ports to address the longer-term CAPEX needs / opportunities for the ports based on the findings and recommendation of the market study and consultation with port stakeholders.
4. Initiate pre-feasibility studies on phase 1 of Masterplan. Following the finalisation of the Master Plan, EBRD / MinInfra will consider the potential for a follow on project preparation phase, which would include the preparation of an investment programme / pre-feasibility study based on the first phase of the Masterplan. This would be undertaken as a follow-on project to this TOR.
A Technical Cooperation project.
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