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According to the bank document, the project aims "to improve the road condition, safety, and climate resilience of the south section of the National Road 13.
The proposed project is part of a larger government program of rehabilitation and maintenance of the 275 km long National Road 13 south (NR13S), comprising a two-lane section, from km 71 Vientiane Capital to km 346 Khammouane Province delivered through a 10-year Output and Performance-Based Road Contract (OPBRC) under Design, Build, Maintain, Operate and Transfer (DBMOT) methodology.
The program consists of four sections of the NR13S. The Project will cover Section 3 (78 km long, from km190 to km268).
A separate World Bank (WB) supported project will cover Section 1, and a European Investment Bank (EIB) supported project will cover Sections 2 and 4 including the construction supervision of all four sections. The Government of Lao (GoL) will finance the operation and maintenance of all sections."
Government of Lao PDR (Counterpart) US$ 6.00 million
1/ AIIB Contact Points:
Name: Wenyu Gu
Title: Senior Investment Operations Specialist
Email Address:
2/ Borrower Contact Points:
Name: Angkhansada Mouangkham
Title: Deputy Director-General, External Finance Department
Ministry of Finance
Email Address:
3/ Implementation Organization Contact Points:
Name: Litta Kattiya
Title: Director-General, Department of Road
Ministry of Public Works and Transport
Email Address
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