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The stated development objective of the Project is to build sustainable urban services and capacity of urban institutions for the development of Amaravati Capital City.
According to AIIB documents, the Project will help to implement the Amaravati master-plan through pro-poor interventions and the implementation of priority infrastructure, so as to lay the foundations for the phased development of
the new capital city. All infrastructure under the Project will be located on identified land parcels/stretches within the city. Accordingly, the Project’s design proposes three main components as follows:
1. Basic urban and pro-poor infrastructure
- Construction of major road infrastructure (65 km road length); and
- Upgrading of village infrastructure, including water, sewerage, village roads, connectivity
to trunk infrastructure, etc. in the existing 29 villages within the capital area.
2. Green / Climate resilient urban investments
- Flood mitigation for the ‘Kondaveeti Vagu’ water canal within the city area; and
- Sewerage system and solid waste management system for Amaravati.
3. Technical assistance
- Support for Project management;
- Setting up key urban institutions, including the eventual city government of Amaravati; and
- Introducing international good practice on city management.
This project applies the World Bank’s Environmental and Social Safeguard Policies (Safeguard Policies).
The two main implementing agencies will be the Andhra Pradesh Capital Region Development Authority (APCRDA) and the Amaravati Development Corporation (ADC), with APCRDA having overall responsibility for implementing the proposed Project.
The total project cost is $715 USD million. The AIIB investment is estimated at $200 USD million.
Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB):
Mr. Thomas Walenta
Project Team Leader / Investment Officer
Phone: +86 10 8358 0068
World Bank:
Mr. Raghu Kesavan
Task Team Leader / Senior Infrastructure Specialist
Phone: +91 11 4924 7652
Andhra Pradesh Capital Region Development Authority (APCRDA):
Mr. Dhananjaya Joshi
Assistant Director - Strategy
Phone: +91 86 6257 7475
The AIIB has established the Accountability Mechanism for Project-Affected People (PPM). The PPM provides “an opportunity for an independent and impartial review of submissions from Project-affected people who believe they have been or are likely to be adversely affected by AIIB’s failure to implement the ESP in situations when their concerns cannot be addressed satisfactorily through Project level GRMs or AIIB Management processes.” Two or more project-affected people can file a complaint. Under the current AIIB policy, when the bank co-finances a project with another development bank, it may apply the other bank's standards. You can refer to the Project Summary Information document to find out which standards apply. You can learn more about the PPM and how to file a complaint at:
The complaint submission form can be accessed in Arabic, Bahasa Indonesia, Bengali, Chinese, English, Tagalog, Hindi, Nepali, Russian, Turkish, or Urdu. The submission form can be found at: